All of us at Environment Systems would like to take a moment to mark the passing of Calvin “Andre” Samuel who died in October of this year. We worked extensively with Andre in Anguilla when he held the roles of Director of the Department of the Environment and Director of the Department for Disaster Management.

In the words of Dr Katie Medcalf who worked with Andre over many years,

“It’s with profound sadness that I found out that Andre Samuel had passed away. His passion for doing his best for Anguilla , its environment and agriculture really shone through all he did. His creative ideas and passion to learn was inspiring, and his friendship  was genuine and warm. I cannot say how sad I am that Andre is no longer with us. My deepest condolences to your wife, family and friends, Andre, you will be missed by us all”

Calvin Andre Samuel (1983 to 2022)
Calvin Andre Samuel (1983 to 2022)

Bydded iddoorffwys mewn hedd  (may he rest in peace)

As the project lead and latterly Director of the Department of the Environment,  Environment Systems worked with Andre on the follow projects, many funded by the Darwin Plus Fund.

  • Anguilla : Terrestrial habitat mapping using remote sensing and field data
  • Using Remote Sensing for Green Infrastructure Planning in Anguilla
  • Anguilla National Ecosystem Assessment  (Funded by Darwin Plus Fund)
  • Mapping Anguilla’s ‘Blue Belt’ (with Cefas)  (Funded by Darwin Plus Fund)
  • Mapping shallow water marine bathymetry and habitats for Anguilla using remote sensing  (Funded by Darwin Plus Fund)
  • Producing an Environmental Data portal for Anguilla
  • Launch of MAERI –  Mid-Atlantic Environmental Research Institute together with JNCC, SAERI and DoE.
  • Developing new soil information for Anguilla (with an MSc student from Aberystwyth University)

In the role of Director of the Department of Disaster Management we worked together on the Anguilla’s Coastal Resiliency Project. (Funded by Darwin Plus Fund)