Unlocking the Power of PeatSCOPE: A Digital Tool Designed to Help Understand and Protect Our Peatlands

Unlocking the Power of PeatSCOPE: A Digital Tool Designed to Help Understand and Protect Our Peatlands We’re excited to announce the official launch of PeatSCOPE; a digital tool that has been designed to help understand and protect peatlands. Since the completion of the pre-commercial stage of CivTech6 in April 2023, Environment Systems has independently hosted and […]

PeatSCOPE – Prioritising peatland restoration

  PeatSCOPE  – Prioritising peatland restoration  Peatlands occur in every climatic zone, and according to Xu et al. (2018), the total area globally is around 4.23 million km2, corresponding to 2.83% of the Earth’s land surface.  Peatlands have a significant role in the fight against the effects of climate change, in storing carbon, acting as […]

Mapping Risk to Water Quality from Space


Mapping Risk to Water Quality

A large amount of the water we drink comes from rivers and reservoirs. Although this water passes through complex treatment processes to make it safe to drink, the time, effort and cost of these processes depends on the quality of the raw water. Human activities, in particular farming, can affect water quality by increasing the risk of soil mobilisation.

Three crops we’re mapping from space!

Feeding the World…sustainably With the world’s population projected to grow to approximately 10.9 billion by 2100 and with the recent COVID-19 pandemic, the world’s food system is under increasing pressure. We need to plan to feed more people without overwhelming the planet. Solution Satellite imagery can help safeguard global food supply and support sustainability. It […]