Summer 2022 Newsletter

As we write this summer 2022 newsletter climate change is firmly at the centre of international focus.  In the UK and Europe we have experienced record breaking temperatures, Pakistan has received 60% of total normal monsoon rainfall in just three weeks  and we see global sea levels rising as a result of human-caused global warming, with recent rates being unprecedented over the past 2,500-plus years. 

Sphere Spring 2022

Welcome In Spring 2022, things do seem to be getting back to some semblance of normal. Hybrid working is now the new normal but I can report that we are out and about once more, with trips across the UK, to the Caribbean and Colombia in recent weeks. I can also report that we are […]

Sphere Winter 2021-22

Sphere Winter 2021-22

Welcome After three special editions of Sphere (Natural Capital, Net Zero and Biodiversity), specifically targeted at the COP26 climate summit, we thought now would be a good time to look back on what has been a very unusual year and pick out some of the highlights. Despite the pandemic, we have continued to thrive, albeit […]

Sphere Autumn 2021

Sphere Autumn 2021

Welcome In the last two special editions of Sphere leading up to the COP26 summit in Glasgow in November we have focused on ‘Natural Capital’ and ‘Net Zero.’ On the eve of the Glasgow summit in this special edition of Sphere we are concentrating on ‘Biodiversity.’ For many, today’s imperatives are tackling climate change, the […]

Sphere Newsletter - Summer 2021

Sphere Summer 2021

Welcome In this special net zero edition of Sphere we look at some of the work we have been doing both in the UK and internationally to help assess and understand the effects of climate change and bring our world back into balance. The journey to net zero is fraught with difficulty and as we […]

Sphere Newsletter - Spring 2021

Sphere Spring 2021

Welcome In this issue of Sphere we are focusing on natural capital and more specifically on our SENCE (Spatial Evidence for Natural Capital Evaluation) technology. The time could not be more prescient with the recent publication of the Dasgupta Review. Commissioned by the UK Treasury the central message of the Review is one that will […]